Here at Mount Pisgah our staff desire to serve our church and the surrounding community to the glory of Christ. We encourage you to reach out to us with questions or needs, we desire to provide spiritual guidance and support, as well as resources to help you on your faith journey.
Dr Jeff Johnsen
Andy Comer
Amy McClelland
Dianne Carter
LuAnn Christy
Pam Inman
Dee Earl
Paige Bledsoe
Misty Goodykoontz
Mr Bill Apple
Maintenance Assistant
Part-Time - Working with Bill Apple 15 to 20 hours a week doing maintenance and repairs at the church with flexibility as needed. Maintenance is responsible for regular and routine maintenance that can be accomplished in house and assisting with any and all maintenance at the church including but not limited to, lights, electrical and some plumbing. This will also include some setup and transitions for rooms. If you are interested, please contact Pam Inman.
Choir Accompanist and Pianist
Part time, 10-15 hours/week, pay based on skills and experience
Serves for two Sunday morning worship services at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM.
Ability to play varying styles – classical, contemporary, some gospel, jazz, etc.
Selects and plays music for preludes and postludes. Occasionally volunteer musicians may play, freeing the accompanist of this duty for that week as the Director of Music sees fit when planning weekly music.
Plays for additional services, rehearsals and retreats throughout the year.
Serves as rehearsal accompanist for weekly chancel choir rehearsals on Thursdays from 7:15-8:45 PM and on Sunday mornings at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM.
Accompany the Methodist Men singers on fourth and fifth Sundays for the 8:30 AM service.
Accompany the hand bell choirs when needed.
Holds two office hours/week to meet with the Director of Music for Traditional Service.
Service music generally includes prelude, hymns, call to prayer, choral anthem/special music during the offertory, choral response, postlude, and monthly communion. Must be willing to accompany vocal or instrumental soloists occasionally, as well as be willing to play duets or other ensemble music. Must be able to improvise as necessary to fill any additional space during the service as directed by the Director of Music.
Prelude and postlude titles with composers must be submitted to the Director of Music weekly by Tuesday. Selections should correspond to the liturgical calendar.
“Extra” services may include: Good Friday Tenebrae, Easter Sunrise service, Christmas Eve services, occasional choir concerts, recitals, etc. as well as any additional worship services scheduled by the pastoral staff.
Additional rehearsals to prepare for special services, programs, with soloists, or other groups as needed. Arrive at least 15 minutes before any choir call time.
Meet with Director of Music and to plan and prepare for upcoming services/events.
Funeral/Wedding Policy:
The accompanist has first right of refusal for church funerals and weddings where piano only will be used, unless the family specifically requests another musician. Funeral compensation for church members is paid for by Mount Pisgah Church whereas wedding pay, as stated in the wedding policy, is the responsibility of the family and set by the accompanist. It is the accompanist’s responsibility to collect wedding pay.
Proficient as choral accompanist and in congregational accompaniment
Ability to sight-read piano and choral repertoire
Ability to play choral parts and open score
Flexible and able to work as part of a team
Familiarity with Methodist liturgy is a plus
Degree(s) in music and minimum of three years’ experience preferred