The men gather on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 pm for a great dinner served by the Methodist Women and there is an informative program. It is a great opportunity to gather and fellowship with other Christian men.
We also have a Men’s Thursday Morning Prayer Group. This is a men’s combined prayer meeting and Bible study in the Parlor (Room 100), adjacent to the Welcome Center. This event starts at 8:30 am with approximately half hour of time to share prayer concerns and blessings. At approximately 9:05 am, the group meets for another half hour to discuss a specific Bible passage (usually the sermon basis for the following Sunday.) This is an open discussion with participation from any of the men present.
Our men also participate in mission activities in the Greensboro community, as well as other communities in need of building help. Whether it is installing ramps or fixing storm damage, the men can be found doing the hands on work of God.
We would welcome you to minister with our men. Check out the calendar to discover specific upcoming events. Please let us know if you have other questions by clicking the button below.